Jim Peltier, Ph.D.
After 40 years of Maintaining and Updating the Kofutu Healing Materials I am no longer Teaching Kofutu Touch Healing, or Kofutu Formual Healing Level 1 through 7.
While Kofutu Formula Healing began in 1981 it is the New Generation of Spiritual Healing and Spiritual Development. I have updated the Kofutu Formula Healing Manuals with the latest guidance from Master Tamarasha. Kofutu Formula Healing Level 1 has 18 different Healing Scripts or Techniques so you can totally realign your Ego-Self with your Divine-Self.
In order to make Kofutu Formula Healing available to everyone Ascended Master Tamarasha and I have updated Kofutu Formula Healing Manuals so you can do your Own Opening/Attunement.
All of the Kofutu Touch Healing and Kofutu Formula Healing Classes are now "Free" and can be shared with Other People. I will continue to provide support for all Kofutu Students via email eleiah33@gmail.com as long as I am alive.
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Kofutu Formula Healing Level 1 Click on this Link to Download the ZIP File.
Kofutu Formula Healing Level 1
Kofutu Formula Healing Level 2 Click on this Link to Download the ZIP File.
Kofutu Formula Healing Level 2
Kofutu Formula Healing Level 3 Click on this Link to Download the ZIP File.
Kofutu Formula Healing Level 3
Kofutu Formula Healing Level 4 Click on this Link to Download the ZIP File.
Kofutu Formula Healing Level 4
Kofutu Formula Healing Level 5 Click on this Link to Download the ZIP File.
Kofutu Formula Healing Level 5
Kofutu Formula Healing Level 6 Click on this Link to Download the ZIP File.
Kofutu Formula Healing Level 6
Kofutu Formula Healing Level 7 Click on this Link to Download the ZIP File.
Kofutu Formula Healing Level 7
Kofutu Formula Healing Classes:
All classes are Individual Training Home Study Courses with the Latest Manual, A Procedure to Do Your Own Kofutu Formula Healing Opening/Attunement, along with a Class Handout that gives instructions as to how to do a Kofutu Formula Healing. Also, MP3 Audio files are provided.
Kofutu works in "Consciousness" rather than "Channeling Energy" as most healing systems do. Kofutu connects the recipient to Source and activates their Inner Resources. Kofutu Guides the Healing to what is in the Highest and Best Spiritual Interest of the recipient of the healing.
We are in a "New World Age" and as the Vibrational Level increases we need tools to clean out our fears and raise our Personal Vibrational Level. Kofutu Formula Healing is such a tool for Spiritual Awakening and I have been using Kofutu since 1985.
Kofutu Formula Spiritual Healing Connects You To You Divine Essence. Kofutu gives you the ability to clear out the Mental and Emotional Issues that create disharmony in your life. So Kofutu Formula Healing enables you to create a life of Peace, Harmony, Joy and Bliss with Wisdom and Understanding. Kofutu also Awakens Your Desire to Merge With Your Divine Essence into a State of Oneness!
Step 1 is to remove all Mental and Emotional Issues that are interfering with your Inner Peace and Harmony.
Step 2 is to Awaken and Develop our Spiritual Gifts. While Kofutu Formula Healing Levels 1-6 focus mainly on Step 1 there are Scripts that also assist in Activating One's Spiritual Gifts and developing a closer Relationship with Source/Spirit/Universe. Kofutu Formula Healing Level 7 provides Advanced Scripts for Spiritual Development and Maximizing Spiritual Growth in this Life Time.
KOFUTU - Stepping Into The Realm of Master Light
Kofutu Formula Healing is an instantaneous step into a Pure Healing Realm using Master Symbols which raise your vibration and the recipient’s vibration. The first time you use Kofutu Formula Healing you will sense an increase in your Spiritual Vibration Level.
What is Kofutu Formula Healing?
Kofutu Formula Healing is a gift to humanity from Ascended Master Tamarasha. All those who use this gift for healing are guided and overseen by Master Tamarasha. The heart of Kofutu is the Master Symbols given by the Master. These Symbols are the Pure Consciousness of the Universe and are used in specific Formulas and Direct Commands to activate our Divine Wisdom and Love.
Kofutu Formula Healing Level 1 has 18 different Healing Techniques also called Healing Scripts that you can use either on Yourself or to Send Healing to Other People, Plants or Animals. You will learn how to use these techniques to assist the recipient so they can access their Inner Resources, Spiritual Love and Wisdom. At Level 7 you have 52 different Healing Techniques also called Healing Scripts.
What are these Master Symbols?
The Master Symbols are a Group of Many Symbols that are the Pure Consciousness of the Universe. They reside at a very High Vibrational Plane and each Symbol has a Name that matches the Vibration of that Symbol along with a 2 Dimensional Representation of its Total Consciousness. Kofutu is a system under the guidance of Master Tamarasha that allows a Kofutu Practitioner to use these Powerful Master Symbols in a Safe and Harmonious Way.
Why Kofutu is so Powerful
As we utilize the Master’s Symbols, healing takes place at many levels. For example, when we are doing Kofutu Formula Healing Physical, Psychological and Relationship Healing, the symbols are activating the individual’s Spiritual Resources and the Healing goes to the Actual Source of the Issue and realigns one's thoughts with their Inner Spiritual Wisdom.
KOFUTU is a Spiritual Development and Healing System which uses Higher Consciousness Symbols to trigger a person's Healing and Spiritual Growth. You don't need any prior knowledge or experience with Spiritual Healing or growth concepts. KOFUTU FORMULA HEALING does not require the physical presence of the healing recipient.
After taking Kofutu Formula Healing Level I you can do all of the following:
- Do Physical and Psychological Healing On Yourself
- Send Physical and Psychological Distant Healing to Others
- Heal Your Relationships and Send Relationship Healing to Others
- Send Healing to Plants, Animals or Machines
- Do Healing of the Planet
- Healing to Promote World Peace
- Do Healing to Promote Human Evolution,
- Do Healing, to Assist the Ascended Masters in their Work.
- These are but a few of the Kofutu Scripts that you receive
Kofutu Formula Healing provides a Healing Script for every type of situation one encounters in life. You can feel empowered to help others and yourself. Kofutu Formula Healing is a tool that puts you in Total Control of Your Spiritual Awakening.
KOFUTU is a Self-Development and Spiritual Healing System based on the use of Healing Scripts using Master Symbols. These Master Symbols allow individuals to access their Inner Resources in order to Accelerate Spiritual Growth, Discovery and Healing. With Kofutu, you are not Channeling Energy Yourself. You are assisting the recipient to activate their own Healing Energy and Spiritual Wisdom.
KOFUTU is not a substitute for individual efforts on one's personal journey. Rather, KOFUTU enhances a person's ability to release any non-productive energies that create or encourage disharmony in One's Body, Mind, Spirit or Material Life. The disharmony released need not be limited to physical illness or disease. It may be emotional stress, problems in relationships or careers, financial difficulties or anything in a person's life that is contrary to harmonious flow.
Anyone can learn to use the KOFUTU techniques because the healing action emanates from the use of Healing Scripts that use Master Symbols rather than from the healer. No prior knowledge or experience with spiritual healing or growth concepts is required.
The KOFUTU healing scripts allow the growth and healing to be unaffected by the healer's state of health and well-being. This type of healing is directed at an outcome that is in the highest and best interest of the recipient.
Step One: Ask the person to whom you are sending the healing to (the recipient) what are his/her problems, symptoms or issues.
Step Two: Select the appropriate Kofutu Script Physical Healing, Psychological Healing (Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Issues) or Relationship Healing.
Step Three: The Physical and Psychological Healing Scripts allow you to choose a symbol or a group of symbols to designate a specific organ or area of the physical body, a particular type of mental or emotional condition, or situation (This is called a Specification Extension). There is an Specification Extension for every Physical or Psychological Issue there is.
Step Four: Write in the Healing Script: the Recipient's Name and the Symbol(s) you have selected for the Specification. Now you are ready to do the healing.
This is an example of a KOFUTU FORMULA HEALING SCRIPT without the actual symbols for each name. Note: Without a Kofutu Formula Level 1 Opening this script will do nothing!
1. One Symbol (Spiritual Connection)
2. One Symbol (Healing Energy Connection)
3. Group of Symbols (Energy Preparation)
4. Group of Symbols (Conditional Healing)
5. Recipient's NAME
6. Group of Symbols (Spiritual Link)
7. Group of Symbols (Connect to Higher Consciousness Healing Center)
8. Group of Symbols ((Specify Problem)
9. Group of Symbols (Activate Healing)
10. Group of Symbols (Connect to Subconscious)
11. Group of Symbols (Specify Problem)
12. Group of Symbols (Activate Healing)
13. Group of Symbols (Healing Disconnect)
In Spiritual Healing it is possible that the Spiritual, Mental or Emotional issue can be totally removed and Divine Wisdom, Love, Peace and Bliss put in its place if the recipient is open for change (psychological flexibility).
In dealing with Physical Issues, Spiritual Healing will create perhaps Four Types of Out-Comes or Combinations of These if the recipient is open for change (psychological flexibility).
(1) You may have a spontaneous remission of the physical problem.
(2) As you create a new mental reality aligned with your Spirit and your emotions are in a State of Love, Joy, Peace and Inner Harmony, your physical body over time most often will release the condition.
(3) You are guided by your Inner Spiritual Being to draw upon any or all the of resources available on Earth, medical, holistic healing, a book, etc., as a part of your healing process. In the case of medical, you would be guided to the right doctor and right method of treatment, the right hospital and the best time that would maximize the healing that you need.
(4) Your Spiritual Self assists you in merging into Divine Consciousness so that you remain in the Higher Consciousness of your Spirit which are Peace, Joy, Love, Bliss, Wisdom, Understanding and Knowingness. In this state of consciousness the physical issue is only a minor inconvenience. You may even choose to leave the Earth and return home into the ocean of pure love.
Kofutu Formula Healing has Seven Levels in the healing system. I would like to share with you what additions you receive with each level. Each level incorporates new symbols into a new script increasing the energy level you are working with. Also, the healing scripts are simplified as you go up in healing levels.
At Level 2 the healing script is simplified and you only do the segmentation and healing script once. You also receive:
* Four new symbols so the 18 Level 1 Healing Scripts are stepped up to Level 2 Energy.
* 16 Special Direct Commands using a grouping of 4 Symbols. These can be used any time and any place. These Direct Commands are used at Level 2, 3 and 4. Examples, Release Your Own Negativity, Disperse Negativity Around You, Create A Healing Environment, etc..
At Level 3 the Healing Script is simplified even more. You also receive:
* Four new symbols which increase the energy level you are working with.
* The 18 Level 2 Healing Scripts are stepped up to Level 3 Energy Level 3 Also has 3 New Healing Scripts Script 19 Sending Healing to the Kofutu Healing Chain Script 20 Healing the Past Script 21 Integrating the Past.
Script 20 and 21 Cleans up the subconscious issues of our personality.
At Level 4 You also receive:
* Two new symbols which increase the energy level you are working with.
* The 21 Level 3 Healing Scripts are stepped up to Level 4 Energy Level 4 Also has 3 New Healing Scripts Script 22 Wholeness Healing Script 23 Aura Healing Script 24 Kofutu Healing Intensive Script 24 is a 21 day healing used when the issues are very severe or critical such as cancer or mental health issues.
At Level 5 you receive:
* Two new symbols which increase the energy level you are working with.
* The 24 Level 4 Healing Scripts are stepped up to Level 5 Energy The 16 Level 2 Direct Commands are stepped up to Level 5 Energy and 9 New Direct Commands are Added. These Direct Commands are used at Level 5 and 6. The Healing Formula Extensions has specific actions that can be added to the Healing Formula, such as: Cancer, Pain, Mending Organs, Virus.
At Level 6 you receive:
* One new symbol which increases the energy level you are working with.
* The 24 Level 5 Healing Scripts are stepped up to Level 6 Energy.
Level 6 Also has 6 New Healing Scripts Script 1P Physical Healing when the origin of the issue is Past Life Script 1E Physical Healing with Enhanced Connection Script 2P Psychological Healing when the origin of the issue is Past Life Script 2E Psychological Healing with Enhanced Connection Scripts 25 Personal Matrix Healing. Script 26 Kofutu Worldwide Matrix Healing. Script 25 is unique healing to one's Physical, Emotional, Feeling, Mental, Intellectual and Spiritual Energy Bodies/Auras.
Level 7 Is a Graduate Course in Spiritual Awakening and Spiritual Healing and provides the tools that can be used for Personal Enlightenment and Graduation from this Earth Plane. Kofutu Formula Healing Level 7 is a Self-Study, go at your own pace program which includes
7 New Symbols
24 Advanced Healing Scripts
33 New Direct Commands
8 New Kofutu Touch Healing Direct Commands
7 New Chakra Direct Commands
Biographical Information
I am a Kofutu Formula Healing Grandmaster who has been using Kofutu personally and with other people since 1983. Also, I have been teaching Kofutu Formula Healing and Touch Healing since 1989.
My hopes are that Kofutu Healing continues to be available to everyone on the Planet long after I die which is why I have provided the Kofutu Opening/Attunement Techniques in my Kofutu Training Materrials. Hopefully someone will take my Kofutu Materials and create a Kofutu Website to keep Kofutu alive for decades to come.
Jim Peltier, Ph.D.
Kofutu Formula Healing Grandmaster and Certified Kofutu Instructor