
Visit My ANGELIC SYMBOLS page For Powerful Meditation Symbols
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Check the Home Town Box if you live in or around Las Cruces, NM
01/12/2023 I have revised This Website so you can Download My Spiritual Development Classes
and the Meditations for Each Class. You can also Download All 40 Of My Meditations For FREE!!!!
A sharing of the Insights and Wisdom about the Spiritual Awakening Process gained over many years.
Perhaps these writings will give the Reader Additional Insights about their Spiritual Awakening
I want to connect with "Light Workers" and "Healers" around the World with LinkedIn.
So send me requests as "Associate" using my email address eleiah33@gmail.com
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To Be On My Email List Click Here Subscribe: http://eepurl.com/dc9wRX
Check the Home Town Box if you live in or around Las Cruces, NM
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Jim Peltier LinkedIn
JIM PELTIER, PH.D. ALSO KNOWN AS ELEIAH Eleiah is a Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Healer, Kofutu Formula Healing Grandmaster, and a Spiritual Intuitive.
While he was completing his Doctorate Degree he was guided by the Ascended Masters to teach classes in Spiritual Development and was provided the format for the classes while in meditation. These classes are based on "The Inward Path to Oneness" with your Higher Spiritual Being.
Eleiah is a Spiritual Teacher and Healer who joined the Spiritual Community of Las Cruces NM in 2014 and all of Humanity since his birth. Prior to moving to Las Cruces he resided in Bend OR for 25 years and originally is from Minneapolis, MN where he started his training in Healing, Counseling and Spiritual Teaching in the late 1970's.
He completed his Ph.D. at the International College of Spiritual and Psychic Sciences in Montreal, Canada, and has a Masters Degree in Counseling and is a Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Jim/Eleiah is a Spiritual Channel who uses many types of healing energy such as: Kofutu, Reiki and Other Energies and Higher Spiritual States of Consciousness in his Healing Practice.
FREE KOFUTU FORMULA SPIRITUAL HEALING TRAINING is available on the Kofutu Formula Healing Tab at the Top of this Page.
Kofutu Formula Healing can be sent for specific: Physical ailments/pain, Emotional trauma/fear, Psychological issues, and Spiritual Direction. Healings are also available for: the Aura, Wholeness, Relationships, Emotional Detachment, and Many More Types of Healing are available.
FREE KOFUTU TOUCH SPIRITUAL HEALING TRAINING is available on the Kofutu Touch Healing Tab at the Top of this Page.
Kofutu Touch Healing is a multilevel and multidimensional system of Spiritual Development and Spiritual Healing based on the use of healing scripts that use higher consciousness energy symbols to triggers a person's own Personal and Spiritual Growth Process. Kofutu Awakens You Spiritually.
FREE SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT CLASSES Spiritual Development Level 1, 2 and 4 are available as home study class.
Check out the Spiritual Development Classes Section.
These Meditations are examples of the Free Meditations and Class Lectures for Spiritual Development 1 and 2.
SD1 Meditation Grounding.MP3
SD1 Meditation Golden Light of Truth.MP3
SD1 Meditation Candle Flame.MP3
Check out the Meditation Tab:
The Gift to Share with others.
CD104 Meditation Filling Up With Love.MP3
MOMENTS OF SHARING an Email Newsletter sharing the thoughts and insights of Eleiah. Check out the "Moments of Sharing Book" Tab. Peace and Harmony is within each of us. May your day be filled with Peace and Love.
To Be On My "Moments of Sharing" Email List Click Here Subscribe: http://eepurl.com/dc9wRX
Check the Home Town Box if you live in or around Las Cruces, NM
Jim Peltier, Ph.D.
2217 Santa Ana
Las Cruces NM 88011-7003
eleiah33@gmail.com www.eleiah.freeservers.com
Ph.D., in Spiritual & Psychic Sciences
M.A., in Psychology & Counseling
Certified in:
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Other-Than-Conscious Therapy
Spiritual Healing
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To Pay for a Service with "Zelle" use James Peltier and email eleiah33@gmail.com
Most Major Banks have "Zelle" 3/13/2021